Production CPD-IR - BMB solutions

Production CPD-IR – Collect, Proceed and Display in real time

Product is developed for collection of data from CNC machines and other machines, available to offer accordingly interfaces. Based on the fact that every production is unique, it is hard to estimate the cost of the solution. We offer for each customer first consultation and 2 days of analyses for free, which will help us to estimate the price and defines system requirements. Primary available functions of the solution (According to possibilities of machines and preferences of the customer):

  • Data collection from CNC machines or other machines in real-time
    • Monitoring work of the machines in real-time. Which products are beying made by the machines, how long does it take, which parts are already completed?
  • Use of data from CNC machines or other machines in optimised processing and real-time. Benefits for each of the customers:
    • Company management
      • Management is available to acess all the processed data and charts.
      • Access to the current state of the production.
      • Access to the statistics:
        • performance of each employees,
        • production of each products,
        • valuation of the plan in comparism to the reality,
        • efficiency of the production etc.
    • Responsible for production and maintenance
      • Access to the current state of the production.
      • Insight to the machines and relevant parameters/indicators.
      • Comparism of the reality with plan in real-time.
      • Valuation of the employees.
    • Individual workers in production
      • Access to the current state of the production in comparism to the plan.
      • Motivational elements like for example competitions among the workers.
      • Insight to the machines and relevant parameters/indicators.
      • Insight for example on the screen directly in production hall which motivates the employee to fullfill the plan.
    • Selected users
      • selecter insight to the data – according to the request of the management
  • Possible data use in process of optimalization of production cycle of CNC machines
    • Reduction of planned and unplanned losses:
      • Cleaning of the machine
      • Preventive maintenance
      • Breaks
      • Setup of the machines
      • Machine failures
      • Absent worker
    • Increasing efficiency through higher utilization of working fund:
      • Errors caused by human factor
      • Short downtime
      • Incorrectly set up machine
    • Reduce losses by reducing the number of rejects produced:
      • Incorrectly set up machine
      • Mistake in the input material
      • Mistake of the employee
  • Possibility of use of solution through a browser in a computer or mobile device
  • In case of the implementation of the solution in more than one factory is possible to create cloud solution, which will collect data in real-time and also statistics from each factory and will enable management of the company to access them. Overall insight and comparism of the efficiency of each of the factories.
  • Long-time data collection and archivation of the data can be used in future to create the simulation of the operation, and also adjustments in production, therefore optimize of the production process. Simulation of the change in the production, like adding a machine, withdrawal of the machine etc.

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    The best what you can afford.